DEADWIND: 刑事ソフィア・カルピ シーズン 3 / Karppi Kausi 3 (2021) [JA/EN CC]


DEADWIND: 刑事ソフィア・カルピ シーズン 3 / Karppi Kausi 3 (2021) [JA/EN CC]

Hey there! This is Usuglife. On this channel, I introduce the dim works that this dimly lit person has seen. Today, we’re diving into the 2021 TV series, "Deadwind Season 3." Detective Nurmi from Helsinki PD … … is ordered by his boss to pick up Karppi after her suspension. After 18 months of conflict, they face a new challenge: a brutal serial k*ller leaving bizarre symbols. It’s set in Finland, specifically Helsinki, the capital. We also see Loviisa, 100km/62mile east, and Rajamäki, 50km/31mile north. This is the final season of a three-part series. In this video, I’ll cover: the synopsis, … … 5 changes from S1 and S2 (Key Points), … … striking moments, viewer ratings, my thoughts, and S4 chances. Let’s dive in! In an old animal hospital, they find a woman’s body caged up. Detective Sakari Nurmi arrives, his boss Rautamaa’s already there. The cage is lit by flickering lights. Round back, they see the victim’s mutilated back. After checking the body, Nurmi heads out. Rautamaa has a favor to ask. He wants Nurmi to visit Sofia Karppi. Her suspension’s over, but she’s holding up paperwork, delaying her return. He wants Nurmi, her old partner, to talk to her. Nurmi refuses at first, but caves under pressure. Karppi’s staying with her son Emil and her late husband’s dad. Nurmi’s visit surprises her, but she signs the papers when he mentions reinstatement. She asks why the rush. Nurmi hands her the cage case file. Karppi starts scanning the photos. But then Nurmi says something that sets Karppi off. 18 months ago, her daughter Henna got in trouble. D*ug squad wanted to arrest her. Karppi, as a mom, moved to protect her. But Nurmi, as a cop, made a different call. They both felt betrayed. Their bond broke. As Nurmi’s about to leave, Karppi spots something in the photos. She traces the victim’s wounds, revealing a circular symbol. Her detective instincts, or workaholic nature, kick in. Nurmi brushes it off as meaningless at first. But it’s the start of a hidden, vicious k*lling spree. The victim is identified as Tuuli Sirén, a pharma company physician. She was developing a medicine for addiction, … … doing PR, even planning a specialized clinic. But Tuuli’s sister tells Nurmi her son’s a dangerous addict. Nurmi goes to find him. It’s the most intense season yet. After construction company in S1, city council in S2, S3 brings in Big Pharma, darkening the plot. And Karppi faces an ultimate choice, risking everything. S3 changes a lot from previous seasons. Here are 5 key shifts. First, Nurmi. He trades his ’90s BMW for a Porsche EV and adds a beard. Second, Karppi and Nurmi’s bond. In S2, they were almost living together. Now? It’s painfully tense at first. But as they work together again, time starts healing their wounds. The 18-month ache slowly scabs over. Third, Karppi’s husband. He d*ed in a hit-and-run. Years passed, no suspect. But soon after her return, Karppi gets a mystery call. The guy says he knows the driver, gives a full name, then hangs up. Karppi chases this lead while working the m*rders. She uncovers a shocking truth no one saw coming. Fourth change: Karppi’s emotional landscape In S1, her son said, I wish you d*ed, not Dad. Then in S2, her mentor, Chief Koskimäki d*ed. Both times left Karppi shattered inside. But she grieved alone,tears in a bar. In S3, she tears up from relief, with Nurmi by her side. Fifth: the station’s coffee machine. It’s changed each season. S1: Nescafé Dolce Gusto Piccolo. S2: De’Longhi Dinamica. S3: De’Longhi PrimaDonna Elite. From basic home models to high-end gear. Bet Nurmi, the espresso lover, is thrilled with this perk! If you’ve watched this series, you probably remember certain scenes … … as vividly as that piano-monochrome opening. One that sticks out is Karppi and Nurmi in symmetry. In episode 4, they’re in an elevator, heading to a hospital room. Karppi’s on the left, Nurmi on the right. Nurmi, head down, battles a tide of complex emotions. It’s overwhelming. Karppi’s silent, staring at the wall. So close, yet a distance remains. It shows their respect, their boundaries. Then, in the finale, two scenes: Both asleep on the station couch, and both opening car doors in perfect sync. It’s breathtaking – their harmony, their stability. Couch scene’s head-on, car scene’s from behind. Both open, lots of space. It feels honest, confident. Remembering S2’s end, it’s so moving. And in the couch scene, the highlight’s just before JP, that cheeky cynic, steps out the elevator. There are more symmetrical shots. Try spotting them! I’ve gathered viewer ratings from various sites, scaled to 100, and averaged them. Note: ratings are from when collected, might’ve changed. Right: sites listed, highest first. Left: ratings in a graph. Let’s dive in. It’s the results in a graph. Let’s take a look. From a pool of 19 sites, I successfully compiled ratings from 14. Average: 68. Highest: Rotten Tomatoes (US) at 86. Lowest: 62 from BEYAZPERDE (Turkey), FILMSTARTS, MOVIEPILOT (Germany), and WATCHA PEDIA (Korea). Median’s 67, most sites scored 61-65. S1 and S2 peaked at 66-70, so overall, scores dipped. Of 9 sites with season scores, 6 rose in S2, fell in S3. Of the remaining 3, SENSCRITIQUE (France) and WATCHA PEDIA (Korea) dipped in S2, rose in S3. Only Japan’s Filmarks climbed all three seasons. Lastly, my thoughts. For this show, "Deadwind Season 3," my personal rating: 90 out of 100. It’s the perfect ending. The gruesome crime scenes were shocking, and that late twist? Brilliant as ever. The season’s depth? On par with S1’s unforgettable 12-episode journey. S2 was painfully heartbreaking. But it set up S3. Karppi, Nurmi, the kids – they’re all starting their own paths. It’s a good end. But then, realizing there’s no more, it hits: I’ll miss this. So, I looked into S4 chances. "Deadwind" started on Finland’s national broadcaster, Yle. On their streaming service, Yle Areena, S3 dropped October 29, 2021. Same day, Finnish site posted "Deadwind" concludes with S3. In September 2023, … … Yle Areena’s "Deadwind" description said production ends with S3. I double-checked in April 2024, but no mention of production. Sadly, S4 seems unlikely. Netflix releases: S1, S2 same as Yle: 2018, 2020. S3: 2022, a year after Yle. In this video, I say 2021 series, matching Yle’s original. "Deadwind Season 3" is on Netflix. 8 episodes, avg 45 mins. Binge: 5 hrs 56 mins. Location limits apply on Yle Areena, FYI. So, what’d you think? On this channel, I introduce the dim works that this dimly lit person has seen. See you in the next video! Thanks for watching 🙂

TVシリーズ『DEADWIND: 刑事ソフィア・カルピ シーズン 3 / Karppi Kausi 3 』(2021年、全8話):

Television Series “Deadwind Season 3 / Karppi Kausi 3” (2021, 8 episodes):
Helsinki police detective Sofia Karppi returns to the homicide unit after completing her suspension. She faces a series of murders marked by mysterious symbols, lingering tensions with her partner Sakari Nurmi, and the truth behind her husband’s death. This Finnish suspense series, the final season of a three-season run, masterfully balances twists that keep viewers guessing with moments of touching sensitivity.

– 作品紹介に使用した画像は公式トレーラー、公式サイトから引用させていただきました。
– The images used for the series overview were taken from the official trailer and website.

00:00 Intro
01:19 あらすじ / Synopsis
04:33 作品のポイント / Key Points
06:53 印象的なシーン / Striking Moments
08:30 視聴者レーティング / Viewer Ratings
10:06 ウスグライフの感想 / My Personal Thoughts
12:44 Outro

<動画内で使用したメディアアセット / Media Assets Used in This Video>
– 40文字を超えるURLは 経由で短縮して記載しています
– Any URLs over 40 characters have been shortened using

Intro, Outro

– Engin_Akyurt, Pixabay

– Максим Лебедик, Adobe Stock

– “Permafrost” BAKERMAN, Uppbeat

1 あらすじ / Synopsis
– Tapio Haaja, Unsplash
– K8, Unsplash
– Joakim Honkasalo, Unsplash
– Julius Jansson, Unsplash
(Broken link)
– Martti Salmi, Unsplash

– “Cloud Reading” Lloom, Uppbeat

2 作品のポイント「5つの変化」 / Key Points “5 Changes”
– Tapio Haaja, Unsplash
– Joakim Honkasalo, Unsplash
– Marko Hankkila, Unsplash
– M.R., Unsplash
– Arisa Chattasa, Unsplash

– “Loaf Eye” Doug Organ, Uppbeat

3 印象的なシーン / Impressive Moments

– Artem Podrez, Pexels

– “Descendants” Arend, Uppbeat

4 評価サイトの視聴者レーティング / Viewer Ratings Across Various Review Platforms

– Engin_Akyurt, Pixabay

– Максим Лебедик, Adobe Stock

[world map]
– Porcupen, Adobe Stock

– “Cozy Places” Yokonap, Uppbeat

5 ウスグライフの感想 / My Personal Reflections

– emirkhan bal, Pexels

– Joakim Honkasalo, Unsplash

– “Full Moon” Wisanga, Uppbeat

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