


you’re going broke so what do I do win the Mia Ando or you are out of business a th000 miles across bad roads with sheep and dogs anything can happen we have to win the Mia then orders for sports cars will follow everyone’s eye will be on it only one team will win make sure it’s you the most famous race in Italy was the be IM media I’m entering five cars Collins Kyo de media is a Thousand Mile Race Across open roads through mountains through towns through avena to the outskirts of Rome back through bolognia all the way to brusso in the north where it [Music] began I’ve always loved this era in Motorsports it’s the most romantic probably the most tragic and dangerous period prear up until the 50s and the Jet age now we’re accustom and seeing big crashes and drivers walking away in that era they didn’t and if they made made a mistake it was usually deadly this is an era in which the cars particular the Ferraris made a tremendous amount of power everything in the Ferraris was cutting edge but the racing of the period was lethally dangerous the mortality rate of the spring team from 56 to 58 is about 50% so what possesses these men the Prime of their life to do something like this make no mistake all of us are racist that I have been we all are certain it will never happen to me the answer is belief that is never going to happen to me and my friend is killed I give up racing Forever on Monday I’m back racing by Sunday but the addiction put you right back on that seat we all know it’s our deadly passion our terrible Joy [Music] it’s a meditation I think in many ways because the speed is intense and focus required you don’t really think about anything else so there’s a cleansing process of the Mind where you don’t listen to all the voices in your head there’s potential dangers at every single turn okay go for it there’s an unknown that could happen at any moment but how in the midst of someone who is doing something incredibly dangerous do you stay myopically focused on what you’re trying to [Music] accomplish One race 1,000 miles across open roads will determine some not all of the issues that are colliding in these 3 months of 1957 if you get into one of my cars you get in win ferari

監督:マイケル・マン × 主演:アダム・ドライバー 「ミスをすれば死が待ってる」命懸けで1000マイルを走行する危険なレース[ミッレミリア]を解説する『フェラーリ』特別映像が解禁!











#フェラーリ#ferrari #f1#アダムドライバー#ペネロペクルス

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