映画『ホールドオーバーズ 置いてけぼりのホリディ』本編映像④全力疾走の初老教師VS反骨心爆発の生徒の追いかけっこシーン


映画『ホールドオーバーズ 置いてけぼりのホリディ』本編映像④全力疾走の初老教師VS反骨心爆発の生徒の追いかけっこシーン

if you don’t have a single room I’ll take a junior suite they’re the equivalent I fully understand it’s the holidays but it’s kind of an emergency yeah sure Mr Telly what are you doing uh no no credit card I’ll pay cash or travel sh I didn’t say you could use the Fone okay I see is there anywhere else you could recommend maybe downtown or was that a hotel none of your business it is absolutely my business I’m looking after you looking after me really like what like my Warden like my butler there’s nobody here okay just us two losers and a grieving mom so let’s cut the you stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours that’s a detention you just earned yourself a detention sir now get back here being here with you is already one big detention son of a that’s another [Music] detention I don’t know what you’re wearing at tell into a quing disaster without exercise the body devours itself you are kening toward [Music] suspension do you think I want to be babysitting you no matter what you don’t tell a boy that’s been left behind at Christmas that nobody wants him you and I have this in common you’ve got time to turn things around yeah I was going to tell you the same thing

6/21(金)公開 アレクサンダー・ペイン監督×ポール・ジアマッティ主演
『ホールドオーバーズ 置いてけぼりのホリディ』

【名匠アレクサンダー・ペイン×名優ポール・ジアマッティ 『サイドウェイ』の名タッグ再び!
全米の映画賞を席巻! 新たな良質ドラマの金字塔が誕生】


日本語字幕:松浦美奈 配給:ビターズ・エンド ユニバーサル映画
公式HP:www.holdovers.jp 公式X:@TheHoldoversjp
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