これは救いか、残酷か? #映画 #映画紹介 #shorts #ショート映画 #SAMANSA


これは救いか、残酷か? #映画 #映画紹介 #shorts #ショート映画 #SAMANSA

who’s getting the meal tonight that boy who climbed a tree at a playground and started firing killed 11 little ones three mothers and a nanny from [Music] Guatemala I hate to say it you’re cooking like it’s for your own kin don’t forget this man killed 15 people I was like you I used to come in here and not giving two shits about who I was cooking for meal after meal death after death I are human beings waiting for their turn to die it’s almost ready bless this man that it may bring him comfort and peace before he goes to meet you Lord in Jesus’s name amen

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