サルと人間の違いって面白い🤣 #映画 #映画紹介 #shorts #ショート映画 #SAMANSA


サルと人間の違いって面白い🤣 #映画 #映画紹介 #shorts #ショート映画 #SAMANSA

the crabe eating macac is a monkey species found primarily in tropical jungles in Southeast Asia John Delmar Gillis is a human man originally from West Palm Beach Florida he works as a paralal in Manhattan he is 34 socializing within groups of crabe eating maacs often takes the form of grooming when one MAAC is groomed it is more likely to return the favor and groom the other socializing for John takes place primarily over the Internet John is single and sometimes uses dating applications to meet women but he finds online dating to be in his words a show


  1. 🎞️ショート映画『さると人』
    App StoreまたはGoogle Playより「SAMANSA」で検索するとアプリ版もダウンロードできます📱

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