どんな人生にも心温まる出会いがある #映画 #映画紹介 #shorts #ショート映画 #SAMANSA


どんな人生にも心温まる出会いがある #映画 #映画紹介 #shorts #ショート映画 #SAMANSA

beautiful song that in yes please Jes Christ you was this place yeah no it was my dad’s well I mean it was my my dad’s dad so said was yeah yeah no he um yeah he died a couple of years back sadly you must miss your old Dad yeah well I mean it’s um it’s definitely not the same without you that your boy yeah that’s all Lenny he looks a bit of a handful handsome boy though Lenny so um do you do you live around it just passing through you ain’t been in here before then no oh cuz you do look a little bit familiar I just can’t place it well I’m sure it’ll pop in sooner or later [Music]

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