★主演:ポール・ジアマッティのインタビュー映像公開★『ホールドオーバーズ 置いてけぼりのホリディ』


★主演:ポール・ジアマッティのインタビュー映像公開★『ホールドオーバーズ 置いてけぼりのホリディ』

I wanted to work with him again since sideways too and I couldn’t believe I got to work with him in the first place and then thought will it ever actually happen again I didn’t think it actually was possible but it’s just a joy to work with a friend who I just love so it’s amazing I think one of the reasons Alexander maybe was interested in me doing it was there was probably already a lot of built-in familiarity with with a lot of this this world I went to a boarding school I didn’t board there but I went to a prep school like this like the fictional one in the movie um so I understood that but yeah I come from my father was a professor and I I I just there’s a lot of people in my life my mother was a teacher my grandparents were all teachers everybody in my family is teachers and academics and so I I yeah it’s just a background I understand so there was a lot of kind of just getting it ready and then I I wonder sometimes if Alexander chose ancient history on purpose too because I’m sort of interested in it and so I think he did a lot of things to sort of just give me these gifts right off the bat that that I just kind of understood and had a rapport with anyway you know but then I you know I don’t know I read some of these texts he talks about in the in the script and just thought a lot about my past and people that I knew in my past was a lot lot of the preparation was drawing on that kind of stuff he has Mastery of every aspect of the thing and pays attention deep attention to every aspect of the thing um he’s that kind of benevolent dictator he’s in control but you’re free to to play around certainly for actors he kind of knows how to talk to each actor the way they need to be talked to the way they need to be supported it sounds like an obvious thing but most directors I’ve worked with don’t act can accomplish that it’s it’s an enormously skillful way with people and you know every actor is different and he recognizes it and knows how to deal with every actor individually and that’s pretty remarkable Dominic is amazing I mean he’s it’s been one of the most amazing parts of this is is working with him and from the beginning when he was auditioning I got to meet him and work with him a little bit and you know he’s not really done much before I mean he’s done a couple of plays and he already started out in an amazing place and to watch him where he’s come over the course of this is astonishing actually I’ve never seen anything quite like it how much he’s relaxed into it and taken kind of control of it in a wonderful way he’s just an amazing person too I really like hanging out with him and being with him he’s great and um it’s a remarkable thing to watch him and it’s wonderful to work with him it’s easy to work with him and at first there was a sense of like well I can sort of help him along maybe give him some pointers which felt like a kind of teacher student thing but very quickly he didn’t even me need my help at all I mean he’s just he’s fantastic it’s really cool to watch somebody like that just like come into his own that fast you know it’s amazing and he’s very levelheaded about it it doesn’t seem to be seems to get it he seems to like just be having a good time too and learning he’s really smart he’s lovely he’s great she’s great she’s amazing I was really looking forward because I’d seen her in some things a couple of things when he told me he was casting Divine I was very excited and she’s she’s been everything I hope she would be and more and she’s a lot of fun and and very creative and really fun and funny but also making such a great character out of this out of this woman uh really nuanced and layered and she’s just great I mean she’s a Powerhouse and amazingly colorful Talent she’s just amazing it’s she’s great it’s a lot of fun it’s a movie about these three completely unlikely people forming a bond and F finding common ground and common Humanity three people you wouldn’t think would sort of come together and and like I say you know it’s a story about it’s a good it’s a nice story you know about self- sacrifice and things like that and I I hope that it’s funny and all those kinds of things I hope it’s got you know laughs and emotional stuff like that and and it’s just a nice story you know so I just I hope it’s just what his movies always do which is just give you this real sense of lived humanity and stuff like that that just feels comforting in some [Music] way do you think I want to be babysitting you no what you don’t tell a boy that’s been left behind at Christmas that nobody wants him you and I have this in common you’ve got time to turn things around yeah I was going to tell you the same thing holiday

6/21(金)公開 アレクサンダー・ペイン監督×ポール・ジアマッティ主演
『ホールドオーバーズ 置いてけぼりのホリディ』


【名匠アレクサンダー・ペイン×名優ポール・ジアマッティ 『サイドウェイ』の名タッグ再び!
全米の映画賞を席巻! 新たな良質ドラマの金字塔が誕生】


日本語字幕:松浦美奈 配給:ビターズ・エンド ユニバーサル映画
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