


[Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] thought I’d slip into something a little sexier just what I always wanted Magician on top Donald Duck on bottom who’s more excited the magician or Donald Duck clearly the duck Jesus mother hello there melicent morning the gun mother oh for heaven’s sakes bellweather I didn’t shoot Mosley just scared him back into the gator pit William Mosley is my pet named after the first governor of Florida yes we all know that you wouldn’t shoot at someone’s prud would you I would if it were on my property how’d he get out I don’t know some kind of hole in the fence [Music] you you can’t just leave him on the wrong side of the gate I’m kind of in a hurry okay they’re like 8 in from your property no these are practically brand new sear sucker slacks I don’t want to muddy [Music] [Music] them thank you my auntie says I’m enabling you I was a real friend i’ cut it the hell out this the same Auntie that lost 10 grand at penko last year it’s a low blow man come on something is a Miss with the oelas you’re an odd duck Bell so I love you catch you later got an idea of how fast you’re going make it a good guess because I got a radar gun north of 80 ding ding ding we got a winner Jonathan Michael dunie Ain know mine you going tell me yours do you want my name so you can Lodge a report cuz maybe we’re doing a little Highway flirting yeah 911 what do you want this this a real emergency you got something stuck up your butt oh [Music] [ __ ] aren’t you going to question me did you do it well no uh-huh don’t care it’s murder still don’t care cuz I’m not authorized to care all I’m authorized to do is write tickets felonies I report to the county sheriff and CR sheriff is an idiot a [ __ ] a Dun bird brain simpleton dumbass last month he investigated Mel doppler’s murder and still hasn’t solved it it’s ridiculous because clearly Bill Mason killed him and you know that why doppler’s remains were found in the appalachicola river on June 14th phone records show Doppler called Mason on June 4th so the sheriff presumed he was killed sometime after that if you sample The Remains you’ll find datomic activity which does not occur until 21 days postmortem AO Doppler was murdered sometime in miday what are you talking about Bill Mason killed Mel Doppler faked the phone call and is living the dream in Destin as an off-brand Chippendale the cockpits I guess the pit part of the pun refers to the armpits I don’t know they could do better okay so just out of curiosity cuz again not my job you have any proof of this or you pull all this out of your goldplated ass if you show her she’ll never leave [Music] okay what in the holy hell my crime lab Amelia mcdna nephew killed her for a lottery ticket a PK Benton decapitated in his trailer park talked to the gentleman in Lot 8 Maxi Tran the manicurist did it why I’m the only one who figured that out escapes me shall I go on why didn’t you tell anyone I am not authorized Mr Prescott I’d like to know exactly how you did all of this when everybody in town knows that you haven’t been off of your property in 5 years ever since hey the murder weapon was a double-edged blade likely an oyster knife based on Hilt guard marks wound Edge bruising and blood loss an oyster knife and the victim had a tooth a in the days before his murder and you know that how because he knows everything well because he looks like a Smurf likely the result of excessive benzocaine from an oral pain relief gel now get this corpse off my property into the coroners we don’t have a corer you really have no idea what’s going on out there do you bville 6 months ago the mayor told everyone that their paychecks were going to bounce cops left garbage men quit and in case anyone other than my kid gives a crap the library closed they only kept me because the radar gun is the one thing standing between this town and bankruptcy yeah it ain’t glamorous or satisfying or really anything other than unmitigated hell but I’m it last one standing so I’m going to ask you one more time Mr Prescott how is it that you know about all of these murders when you haven’t been off of your property since stop you haven’t been off of your property since your wife was murdered [Music] now there’s been a murder of old Prescott compound two miles east Boxville no idea all we know is that he’s been stabbed potentially buy an oyster knife 3 years of writing tickets does not qualify you to opine on cause of death you tell that some [ __ ] b wether PR God to expect me Sheriff’s on his way so people around town say that you’re an agoraphobe which means that’s an anxiety disorder in which one fears places or situations that cause Panic it’s a fear of fear not my issue you know people tell a commute to work I T A commute to life my days could not be more full I play chess with an opponent in Norway I’m learning to make talini from an Italian Nona the world is my oyster yeah hey hey hey what the hell do not contaminate the crime scene I have degrees in criminology from excellent online institutions yeah and I learned how to floss on YouTube step away B weather is what they call a polymath a polymath yes like Leonardo D Vinci if you’re so smart how come you haven’t solved your wife’s murder that was incredibly hurtful [Music] God this is disgusting okay Adam’s family as far as I’m concerned you both are suspects as far as I’m concerned you’re trespassing six generations of Prescot have lived on this land we have dredged we have drunk some have even fathered the occasional bastard child but we have never ever committed murder well what would really be helpful mom is if you would fetch me some zip Bo hey I could arrest you Doby come on in oh look it’s the speed trip Queen it’s my job you were speeding girls got to make a living I get it I must have done like 1 thousand lap dances back in the day and you did them beautifully even in high school we knew you had that Special Touch gross he your mama call said there’s a hole in the gator vence the alligator situation is under control but I would love your help with the murder victim that is one blue son of a [ __ ] H definitely blue bottles probably on the second Mt there you go time of death is 3 days ago likely Monday nights by G we by G organic in nature which you’d care about if you were a real cop well if Florida were a real place maybe I’d be a real cop let me guess you’re not from here Detroit and none of your business Lord uh-huh on my way emergency I have to go do not go near the crime scene final warning 5 years Bell maybe it’s really time to move on and Miss myself son the one who is off to New Zealand or India or God knows where if you don’t mind I’d like to concentrate on getting rid of this dead body before the whole place starts to stink Jamie dystra smelled like a swamp rat from the day he was born can’t possibly get any worse Jamie dystra why didn’t you tell the officer who he was I don’t know I thought maybe you killed him I hate seeing you like this what are you even looking for I’ve seen Dyer’s name somewhere Jamie dyra $5,000 made out to cash by you endorsed by dyra a week before your murder what’s the connection between you and the murder victim what was the $5,000 for VA no naughty Gator naughty naughty Gator it’s the first meeting of dinosaur Club if I’m late I’ll get a sad face we walked in as soon as the bell rang legally that means no sad face 911 is this a real emergency you have something stuck up your butt I identify the victim Jamie dyra but if you don’t do something with his remains my alligator is going to finish the job the sheriff got held up by an accident involving a harpoon at a bait shop in Dorcas and that’s all I’m allowed to say okay [Music] [Music] I want to be [Music] see bellweather no no no bellweather where are you going what are you what are you doing I need to find a place to preserve this body you know what Dr wght said stress creates panic and panic creates agoraphobia step aside mother everything is under control you can’t just stuff a dead body in the passenger seat and leave I thought you wanted me to run off to India and New Zealand I thought you wanted me to have Adventure I do I do but we just need to discuss this what if you have a panic attack goodbye mother rocket pop back so soon I got a report about a missing ice cream truck my ex has no trust it’s always been an issue where’s the body in the ice cream truck you don’t need to be concerned about that now before you did but but now the body has ceased decomposing whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you put the murder victim inside the stolen ice cream truck do you have any idea how many violations I could charge you with oh look I’ll make my Koda all in one because that’s all you care about your quota and not murder yeah yeah well I found out dyra was released last week from greaton Correctional after serving 5 years for robbery how’s that for not caring and I don’t have time to care so that was a oneoff chakota did you make any deliveries last week to Jamie dyster it’s important oh uh yeah a metal detector right uh why don’t me in chakota go to my dumpster fire van ask about the truck and yeah you two deal with this like murder situation great uh Hey be safe M I know why dyster was here my great Granddad made rum during prohibition the extra sugar cane in our Fields he buried the proceeds in coffee tens in our garden now how dyster found this out I do not know but given the metal detector he was trying to rob me but what happened to the metal detector what are you out of your damn mind your mother called she thinks you’re going to have a heart attack sit down now well hello to you too I don’t talk to people who write doctor feeding tickets Dr Otis is with the National Health Service Corp only till I pay off my student loans then back to Atlanta where I’m going to open a Botox clinic and make bang while you’re here can I interest you in a dead body I think the Hideous shade of blue is because excessive benane like in topical oral pain relief gel only place to get that is the pharmacy on seate you need to get to the pharmacy we have a break in our case it’s not our case it’s not even my case I I’m off duty and a half an hour and then I have to pick up Tyler take him to karate I do not have time to run around playing Nancy Drew Nancy Drew was far more talented than you and she was a fictitious child from the 1930s if you want it done then do it but leave the body in the truck until the county sheriff arriv once again I am City felonies are County got it hey Mom yeah do you catch bad guys yeah bad guys who speed you know what let’s make a pit stop we’re all out of Plan B good to know Kevin but that’s not why I’m here did you sell tooth pain gel to James dexra do you know how many people come through here last Thursday great thanks Kevin he says he did did you ask if he saw anything strange okay in case the boundaries got alert here I do not take orders from you and I don’t have time for this are you even a cop or have you ever seen a movie that has Cops in it stop baiting me are you sure I have to answer more questions my God have you alienated the entire town um I have the sheriff on the phone so yes DX her about benzocaine but that’s all I know his vocal pitch he’s lying Liar Liar lab code on fire liar fine I saw dyes were fighting with a red head she had a mermaids doit wetter t-shirt Wicked hot in a trashy stripper way not in a high class stripper way please don’t give me the details hard to get it just right with you what D’s M Mr stripper Florida I know where the redhead Works what’s a stripper let’s go to taekwondo it’s an employees t-shirt from okauchi Springs that’s like 25 M away I’m back on duty this afternoon not a chance this is critical Cammy we need to go there there is no wheat if you want to do it then just do it but don’t drag me to this [ __ ] any further thank you very much so the cop isn’t going to help you anymore is she what if there’s a connection between this murder and vus what if this is my last chance to find the person who took her away from me well then maybe it’s time time to really do something about it I’d have to do it myself but I please don’t leave me B I can’t leave here I Believe In You Belle I do you know our deal if you leave you can’t have me [Music] I don’t have you now you got this Bell weather I embrace discomfort I confront my fears I embrace discomfort I confront my fears [Music] I want to be your you see the music is just star night is calling and I am for and dance with [Music] me w [Music] [Applause] [Music] you’re off campus yes fine I’m driving I’m going to vomit no sniff this not okay kidding ginger ale ice chips Sno print got me through my first trimester hey there I’m Arvin the wildlife guide here at okauchi Springs I got a whole family of gopher tortoises down by the mangroves over here to see a mermaid official business mhm all right well this is our mermaid roster are you okay there buddy magnific the redhead that one mermaid Kelsey mermaid Kelsey likes toasted marshmallows in a positive attitude Florida y well the best place to catch her is when she comes out of the Lagoon let’s get you in there huh look I don’t know what I’m doing here except I hate handing out tickets and I hate everybody hating me so I thought maybe for once I do something that matters hello Prescott [Music] got [Music] what happened are does what’s wrong with him oh he’s a gorap phobic is that the thing where you want to have sex with dead people yes yes it is you may want to ask them about Jamie DKR yeah getting there so tell me about this fight that you and Jamie had when he was in prison I told him I’d wait but then I met Arvin mm-m you know Kel babe maybe you should ask why she’s asking don’t tell a Jamie’s been murdered so where were you Monday night Kelsey oh my God poor Jamie you were with your sister I remember cuz I had to pick up new catch Poes in Orlando oh don’t worry about him he’s probably also drunk no judgment man there’s plenty of core gor fobes talking about the real deal like prow Emily Dickinson The Beach Boys dude Howard Hughes wow he’s stum and smart I’m so confused right now fellow historian there’s not many of us around here yeah not a lot of people know this but Howard Hughes was kidnapped by Aristotle anasis and didn’t actually die until 1987 that’s if he’s even dead at all right and it was on asa’s money the finance 911 which is obviously an inside job because everybody knows that Jeff fuel doesn’t melt steel beams come on everyone nope just um you have sex with this man I would never hurt Jamie any idea who would Manny Gara he took over Jim’s oyster boat when he got locked up and he wouldn’t give it back and yes I do he’s really thorough a mesh made in heaven I know I’m have a good timeing so the to line up some shots cuz I’m get loose tonight she’s so hot just you know singing along to the radio like normal American humans sometimes do when they’re out in the world you did actual police work I didn’t know that was a thing you could do I know interviewing my first suspect exciting so much better than sitting in my car all day getting vagina cancer from a radar gun must you be so crass well I guess I must kind s so but you have a job before you stop doing things or no I was raising money to restore the seafront it was going to be beautiful it would have given this town the life it deserves you did a pretty bad job when I went inside I stopped no open containers oh please this is the panhandle why are you doing this doing what putting yourself through hell you could have just left that body until sheriff came stayed in your weird house with your weird mom for the rest of your life there is a chance Dy murderer is connected to vas I’m going to turn off pit bull it doesn’t feel appropriate for the moment I never had a purpose my whole life I jumped from interest to interest I got a degree in Zoology because I got interested in this certain kind of sloth and then I briefly became one of the world’s leading experts on sloths and I even traveled to Colombia to study sloths and that doesn’t matter the point is then I met Vita and she became my purpose and she inspired me to do the seafront project since the two things I loved were her and this town she made me feel so alive and then somebody killed her and you can’t put yourself through hell when you’re already in it oh now may I yeah go ahead toita toita what get a scarf it’s gone oh it must be in the lon I need to get home thought you left because I left I thought I thought I’d never see you again I’m here for now but if I were you I wouldn’t leave again oh hey T Sheriff was on his way from Dorcas but he got delayed by an overturned Big R filled with Contraband Hower monkeys he I’ll just be a minute I bet Erlene will give you a cookie yay one 2 three four five six s okay I got it all right now I’m going give you silver dollar if hold on if you try a tomato whoa can I have NE of course you can I did some digging and I found out Manny Gara has a record of felony assault maybe if you want we could pay him a visit we alado I think she likes you don’t be ridiculous I’m sorry I have no further interest in this investigation you’re on your own I I went out on a limb for you here and you’re just you’re just done yes I’m just done so you’re going to hide in your house and pretend like you live in the past which by the way you basically made up what is talking about I read Vita’s file she was a she was a spoiled drunk with a brutal temper aren’t you going to defend me well at least I didn’t make babies with that glob of snot marus Malon I made a mistake you made a choice you didn’t have her marriage you had a train wreck we’re leaving Ty I want to stay Mrs Prescott’s going to introduce me to Mosley who introduces a six-year-old to their pet alligator you don’t know anything about my marriage you are a stranger yeah well you’re a a drunk no you’re a coward I’m fine with drunks not so much with cowards oh great exit line you come up with that [Music] beforeand license and registration So Adam are you allowed to leave your post screw it not like it matters white folks hate me cuz I’m black and black folks hate me cuz of badge but you know paycheck and pension I hear you I go where the money is too I’m a hedge fund manager live in New York 6 months here the other six so avoid taxes M wow you must be so proud yeah I pay all of mine because you know just seems like that’s what one’s supposed to do it’s funny cuz you get paid by taxes it’s kind of like you’re paying your own salary yeah it’s hilarious just going to use the restro excuse me not yet no no I don’t feel it Manny Gara Hands on the Wheel a that’s some bammer [ __ ] Manny let’s go for a ride that sh’s legal in 23 States not in Florida buddy I really think you got to start putting the past behind you you know if you ever want to make way for the future spam me the tribal wisdom not tribal racist Forest gun how high are you right now I heard your cop pal brought gars in for questioning you know his last order were rubber gloves zip ties and a bone s where were you Monday kill you [ __ ] Manny Gaza is it the finest oyster man on the P hand what kind of [ __ ] is this there is a question that has plagued me which goes better with oysters have a vison or musk Day Some people say musk day because it’s got this Christmas it was insane for you to question him yourself do you know how strong someone has to be to shuck a thousand oysters a day this is my job since yesterday it’s better with salmon so I’d go with the mus day great so now that we’re all Pals here where were you Monday night Indian Bingo and I had a few beers and I try to catch frogs did you get any how is this relevant if he’s lying and went to your place he would have had to take the highway I on duty Monday night I can check my body cam footage so if your truck shows up knock yourself out you don’t see my truck don’t you oh gross Florida is that it no doesn’t have the bull bar oh [ __ ] you were making a date well some people have Tinder I have the I 10 sex without commitment is vulgar what century are you from and not that you’d understand but I need certain stuff done to me and I need to do certain stuff to other people and I’m not going to apologize for that she’s right man women have drugs sl’s wrong learn that from my ex- stepdaughter can I have my weed back please no okay that’s it wait roll back there the okauchi van didn’t Arvin say that he was in Orlando Monday night appreciate that I’ll hold okauchi said arvin’s only worked there 4 months they’re checking his HR file do you ever wonder if the people you meet on the interstate have diseases SeaWorld you sure about that for 3 years huh okay thanks he lied when I work for the post I I did a story on SeaWorld they vet everyone no way a not case like Garbin slipped through you were a journalist and T Marcus fired me for getting pregnant which is funny because he’s the one who got me pregnant it’s my point casual sex is not nice why did Arvin lie about SeaWorld well we know that dyra spent the last 5 years in great and that Arvin was not at SeaWorld you should check I’m sorry your son doesn’t have a father oh my God it’s so slow it’s your VPN Tyler has a father he just doesn’t have a dad Arvin Peno convicted of manslaughter incarcerated at greaton released in May do you know that Florida correctional officers have their their own Facebook group I learned about it when I was looking into the murder of Nicholas Lidstrom officer Lord it is your lucky day what’s another oh my God it’s a prison play Arvin and Dyer together again it makes perfect sense Dyer brags about your bu treasure to our and tells him he’s going to go after it once he gets out perfect sense and Arvin gets paroled relocates here and waits for Dyer’s release so he can get in on the Buri treasure too my heart palpitations dirt here I got it from your place can hold on to it instead the scarf what home is your safe place right this is like a portable safe place you did that for me thank you okay so this is supposedly where Arvin lives get out get out of the car alligator breeding ground despite that I found in dexra shoe it was an egg tooth it’s what baby gator used to get out of the shell open up I’m going to go in I found the metal detector [Music] [Music] you do not get to die you do not get to die please don’t die you shot him yeah never fired my gun before it’s honestly kind of thrilling so now I’m going to try not to think what that says about me okay I got nothing to do with this I’ve got an alligator egg tooth that says otherwise consider this Arvin while you were at greaton dyra bragged to you about a rich family with buried treasure when he got paroled he found out you moved here and we’re getting biblical with his mermaid I love her okay I was going to blow the whole treasure thing off but then Jamie showed up at my place and then you followed him to bells and killed him ow then why don’t I have the money H here’s what I think using his metal detector you started digging you damaged the fence and Mosley came after you that’s his pet alligator all that time at okauchi working with the Gators gave you a soft spot didn’t it Arin it was either Kill Bill Mosley and get the treasure or Escape he looked at me with those eyes you could murder someone but you couldn’t kill an alligator that makes you a decent man Arvin at least to me as a decent man I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on the connection between my wife and Jamie Dy you really want to know Jamie found out your wife was having an affair and he blackmailed her that’s how he knew about the treasure fita told [Music] him I arrested some limp dick with a harpoon in Dorcas rounded up eight howler monkeys in Turkey Creek yet somehow this is the weird part of my day and why is Prescott here I’m turning myself in for driving with an expired license you irritate the hell out of me well then perhaps the fine officer Lord can write me a ticket and I’ll be on my way right after I booked Mr Peno for the murder of Jamie dyra you made an arrest yes Sheriff Grant I did you sure you want to be here I mean whole vaita thing it’s it’s a lot to process nothing a golf oyster and a Hemingway daer can’t fix holy [ __ ] that’s good look at that Sunset even if it is Florida it should be illegal for something to be that beautiful yes it should I wasn’t meaning you that wasn’t what was happening okay okay all right can I ask you something did you know Vita was having an affair because if you did that would give you motive and if you have motive before we discuss that what why don’t you tell me who you really are what are you talking about let’s start with Nicholas Lidstrom who thankfully is very much alive and was one of the greatest defensemen in NHL history played 20 seasons for the Red Wings everyone from Detroit knows Lidstrom you don’t air go you’re not from Detroit black people don’t do hockey okay then there’s that tattoo on your wrist BMT it’s surely not a person does anyone bother with the full monog these days then I thought of your slight dip thongo tendency and that points us to New York and leaves us with Brooklyn Manhattan Transit meaningless to anyone but a true New York or say one who was born near the Brooklyn Manhattan subway line who doesn’t want anyone to know that or anything else about her for the same reason she runs a quad VPN on her cell phone in spite of the fact that slows the damn thing down to the speed of mud you say I’m stuck in my past I say you’re running from yours shall I go on no you should not think you’re so smart that vial of dirt it was Tyler’s Coco good night whoever you are for hello hello somebody there Leila is this [Music] you were you having an affair V I thought we had a future together didn’t you I could answer that but I’m just a projection of your creef this isn’t over is it it’s not I’ll find your killer Vita where I wonder in summer or winter the ocean is calling me back to flor sand toor the wind and the ocean are calling me back to the sand sand sand to florid sand sand sand waves s Sparkle beneath a bright moon night birds are crying return to me soon oh Florida Florida my heart you ever for always the love of this man his [Music] FL sand sand is Flor sand send send [Music] [Music] [Music]

フロリダ州のパンハンドルに住む広場恐怖症のベル・プレスコット (ルーク・カービー) は家の敷地内で全身真っ青の奇妙な遺体を発見する。現場に駆けつけた交通警官キャミー (ティアナ・オコイエ) は、ベルが検死について膨大な知識を持っていることに驚く。刑事ではないがベルの助けにより未解決事件を解決していくキャミー。その過程でキャミーの隠している過去についてもベルは興味を持つ。ベルは自身の妻の殺人事件も解決できるのか?キャミーの隠している過去とは何なのか?風変わりなコンビの捜査が始まる。

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