


[Music] w saw Mr Woo raised from middle position woo holding Jack 10 off chidwick in the small blind with ajck made the call to the Flop they go chidwick finds an Ace and is sitting pretty against the Jack 10 check from chidwick Mr Woo with 56,000 the 2% hand bets half pot against one of the best in the world the 32-year-old chidwick number one on England’s all-time money list woo looking for help chedwick looking to get some chips back looks like just a smooth call all right 210,000 in the middle turn card to come and both connect with that Jack but Mr Woo steep carefully you are drawing dead my friend dead check check this time King of Spades chidwick with a lock on the hand as mentioned chidwick used to make videos for Phil gon’s run at once training site I think Phil fired him because he didn’t think he was very good and chidwick certainly with enough hand to Value bed here when I play I say what would Steven chidwick do what do you think he says not what would Lon McCarron do no 100 40,000 from chidwick Mr Woo left with third pair 500 whoa what my goodness woo said earlier that he can’t take the heat who’s he kidding he’s a hustler my friends he’s the one bringing the heat very impressive the land surveyor from New Jersey trying to Bluff one of the top earners in the game backdoor flush got there backdoor Broadway got there but I suspect chidwick will see through this ruse it is for 3/4 of his remaining stack chidwick always deliberate under the main event microscope fellow players eyeing his reaction TV viewers Wonder in how this consant Pro responds oh no no no don’t give it up chedwick folds he gave it up Lon Andrew woo makes the move on Steven chidwick Lance surveyor my butt legend in the making Andrew woo over a million one after that your told you what he had no sh went cut down to below a half million I know what you had and I know what wow what a hand at the feature table sits Bill Klein one of the true good guys in the game with a rather unique take on poker philanthropy take a spin right now at this feature table with two black kings a nice stack raised to 55,000 Stuart Taylor in the cut off with Aces 56-year-old space industry consultant has been chatting up Bill Klein and now he’s about to put a herden on him see Nick Rigby has taken Money Maker seat at this table Taylor with the aces will just call with three players behind you know when you slow play Aces to me you’re inviting disaster you pull more people into the hand you create more flops that threaten you Alexander Hamilton slow played aces in 1804 against Aaron verr and that did not end well well it brought rig into the hand and now brown in the small blind with Ace Queen and he says all in wow a Minish raise and two cers and now Brown says let’s go a bad timing for brown squeezing from the small blind and he is crushed here in two spots I’m all in ra all in I’m all in as well oh man now rby biggest part of my life so here we go Klein the biggest stack in this crazy three-way all in oh my God what is going on hold one time call for your one time I’m calling for my one time this is this is M huge side CLA too Taylor gets what he wants a dream scenario to Triple up brown with Ace Queen in bad shape sick somebody’s going to be a monster to deal with after this I think I folded the winner had to all the that’s for yeah give me my cards back I want to get in there and gamble with them they got each other’s outs 87 off suit for sure wins this AME 108 off take it’s not it’s not connected about all here we go a king for C all but shut the door on this monster po Taylor’s aces are cracked and he takes a last sip that’s what I get for full in My Jacks Taylor and brown preparing their exit is flat too so the ace Queen shoves it’s like not even a real hand turn C to Jack Taylor needs the case Ace to survive Brown picks up Broadway outs kin on the verge of a double knockout Brown needs a 10 Taylor needs an ace the River card 10 wow Ryan Brown goes from 1% Equity to 100% good luck everybody what a hand Brown survives and no matter how Taylor played those Aces he was going to lose what a story Taylor will have I mean I I played it for one of you two squeeze you know ran Brown drawing dead Nick loves to move chips though and he’s reaching 320 not sure how R got here but he’s firing away on the turn when he picked up no additional Equity Toby Lewis top Pro Ace 10 with the flush draw and the second pair best hand best draw for Toby Lewis 33y old living in Las Vegas by way of the UK commit 325 stick around Vamp now open ended still vamp 34-year-old cannabis entrepreneur a UC Santa Cruz grad living here in Las Vegas studies micology stud up the chemicals of mushrooms and yeasts wow he’s got a lot of lavenders there Norman that is a raise to 750 not a big raise but that should send Ry to the showers it should it should send rck to the showers there we go okay now Toby Lewis with the [Music] decision he makes the call for 425 more Toby pondering after he makes the call heads up River Card five of hearts and Lewis with the nut flush on the paired board check rampen missed his straight draw likely to wave the White Flag here with sadou uh no not the White Flag wow punches up the bluff shove on day five of the main event is breath taken a and no snap call from Lewis with a nut flush it’s going to be about nearly half of L’s remaining stack check back set on the floor I guess 2, 285,000 the tried and true Pro is beix by the Cannabis guys shove I don’t understand that raise on the turn set this up but it still seems hinky to Lewis I have a flush you know that right suppos to discuss heads up is okay sorry not in the T still not allowed to ready has G fine but not no the dealer is incorrect tournament rules specifically allow for this acception [Music] might be slow rolling you I don’t even know good point you would just make it bigger on the turn wouldn’t you if you check back a set I feel like yeah it was a small raise on the turn doesn’t make any sense nut flush Toby nose paired boards bring dark clouds all right a decision for Lewis we’ll take a break come back who blost this way a big moment for both Toby Lewis still vexed he rivered the nut flush as the board paired before Daniel vampin moved all in on a bluff for over 2 million six or fives but why didn’t he just didn’t he just make it bigger on the time Lewis keeps talking through it unfamiliar opponent unusual line on the hand un believable pressure on his big stack if if Lewis lost here when he called he’d be down to 55 bigs if he folds right here incorrectly he’d still have a 100 bigs he’s just screwed into the ground by vampin play it’s just sixes sixes or fives I don’t know it’s fun a friend you know what I’d fold who’s Bluff shoving 4 four bigs on day five of The Main Event it would just be an outrageous [Music] Bluff you’re not bluffing not bluffing but I do beat some hands that you might shove yeah vampin might have shoved with his own flush or even trip fives this SS up I could look like a right idiot I know that F all right he’s going to give it up he does and bamp shows 78 baby let’s go oh my God I spoke with masato on the break and he was pretty excited about coming to play here on the main feature table it’s actually his first time on the main feature table and he was pretty sure that it was going to be entertaining he said it’s been a wild table so far lots of three and four bet pots and for him he knows that means he needs to be a little bit careful about tangling with those other big Stacks he also told me he was a little bit nervous about coming to play here on the TV table but he knows he needs to stay aggressive 30-year-old can handle the moment he’s got a WPT title over a million in live winnings includes final tables of the Aussie millions and EP Prague and he could use a little help here just middle pair Jonathan ter flop top pair and he still leads after the turn ter won an online bracelet in 2022 in a 3,000 entrance field and with a firm lock on this hand T reaching for chips now 375 375 yokas sawa’s Vlogs are a delight and he’s a delight at the poker table we talked earlier about Nikita Luther maybe igniting a poker boom in India the masado effect in Japan would be epic might already be starting also he’s going to come along for 375 of his own 1 Point 4 million in the middle Jack of Spades terme is good on this board and now 300,000 yeah tricky little value bet designed to Target a smaller pair just as Mado has okay I want to see ter will take the pot but he is after flopping a set of sixes against the bigger stack masato yokosawa who holds pocket twos Silva has the action and he bets out yeah he bets out with that monster yasawa mulling it over and yeah the problem I’ve always had with pocket Deuces is that there’s just so many overcards that can hit the board more fine analysis from the Maryland grad 8 and half million to start the hand for masato and he calls he wants to see that turn I’m not so sure about that call turn guard oh my is a deuce and that is a problem for masato catching bottom set and that Deuce is probably going to cost masado millions of chips and maybe 50,000 YouTube subscribers The Silva got action from masato after the Flop and now bets 1.1 million the Silva goes half pot and I’m sure yokosawa has half a m to shove right here you know he could be looking at two pair for D Silva maybe an over pair to the board a flop straight would seem unlikely two flush draws perhaps on the board out there given this a lot of thought that is just a call of 1.1 million I’m not sure what river card might save masado more chips here seven of Spades you are correct carak all right here is the River card now a red King that may ease to silvas mind but the King of Hearts certainly not a scare card for bado King of Hearts is going to cost him more chips the Silva has the action all you can eat and a quick call set over set to Silva gets the best of it is to the Horseshoe the Brazilian rail Goes YouTube We double up baby back to the main feature table Japanese vlogger extraordinaire masato yokosawa sits he’s creating quite the poker buzz in his home country with I’m a poker YouTuber um which is a world biggest poker YouTube channel we have 780,000 subscribers most of them are Japanese but it’s still uh for so far it’s biggest I mean it’s bigger than Daniel n right now I used to be just a professional poker player before I started my YouTube channel um but right now I’m playing poker for making content and I post a video like every week and I also play uh poker like almost every day like this year I think like more than 160 players participate in the WSOP Main Event from Japan which is I think uh one of the biggest poker country right now of course in near future uh they will make the casino in Osaka I think it’s 2029 and so technically like poker is going to be legalized in Japan soon so I I think this movement is bigger than right I mean getting more bigger from now on popular poker player in Japan behind of course himself masado under the gun with a dozen big blinds only on pocket T men raised to 500,000 to Josh Payne he’ll come your very very good boy here’s my chance come on just one time Kari six bigs nope not your chance not my chance that’s unfortunate one looked good W pay jump to bur again small blind 13 big blind I don’t pay attention I don’t even know what what we what are we getting paid right now I don’t know the page on like 220 okay I never look at pay jump SL nice cash I imagine you wouldn’t we’re all in your shot man bmot mhm Daniel’s going to see a flop also 68 big blinds to start the hand all clubs Mado still ahead with the T and now a club flush draw B P missed and checked masado had to play with a very aggressive chance corneth to his left earlier in the main event now he’s got an equally aggressive Josh Payne to his left it keeps you on your toes and your toes uh get tired a tiny bed of 325 from Mado new pain he’s acting like this is a $20 frat game at college with bottom pair he calls Pam pan folds out head up to the turn eight of clubs yokas Sawa turns the flush with a redraw to the straight flush by the way line I give Josh Payne credit for the best explanation ever of GTO Game Theory optimal he said it’s some guy talk to a computer who knows how to play poker lado checks to pain and that’s going to open the door maybe for pain to make a move on the shorter stack monster stack does bet 700,000 not huge 700,000 masado 10 High flush has 10 bigs in a stack you know I bust one year with the fourth nut flush at Burning Man never will play poker there again Antonio was probably dealing that game right can’t trust it then Lucas Sawa looking for full value just makes the call hoping pain puts more chips in on the river river card seven of Hearts nothing changes on the river other than we’re closer to a pay jump TimeWise another check from yokosawa Payne couldn’t have liked yokas sawa’s call on the turn will he give up here or apply the ultimate pressure ultimate pressure man this is the decision for mad’s main event and you know I don’t know much about pay but you mentioned them earlier in that kind of frat mode lawn he’s very casual it’s like a cash game he’s deep stacked yeah it doesn’t matter what you’re holding here when you put to this decision you need a moment oh yeah if he’s wrong he’s gone here they come good call Pa fours double up good call well I tell you you scared me thank you might go on the road together maybe a buddy comedy double up for yasawa Josh will not mourn the loss of those chips back atan with only ace queen is thinking about it and now puts masado all in so here we go a great opportunity for Mado to double up to 40 bigs I have like 5 me good luck I’m rooting for the all-in player if I’m being honest I’m not I’m not I’m indifferent I don’t care about money implications it’s too big he’s my friend no good luck to both of you guysi with just four bigs will make an extra 40K with a knockout Daniel’s a nice guy I’m Roo for M big time I’m not rooting at all yeah that’s what I said this too big of a spot look you understand that openly rooting for someone at the table never a good idea my king Jack suited my king Jack suited at risk with Ace King against the ace Queen a queen in the window for vanan I’m rooting for a spade for a sweat that’s all Spade is the worst Spade is the worst card he has a spad oh he does oh my bad never mind I did I thought it was did not see that yasa with an overcard and a Broadway draw the deuce doesn’t help him 10 10 I know pain is being playful but I doubt Vamp pan appreciates it masado does need a 10 or a king or his main event is Over the River card another deuce and his main event is over GG golly 45th Place 188k for the welllike m just a great run from the most popular YouTube po blogger in the world onck now knock out favor Mas yasawa good day Mas we’re going to miss you Mas yasawa out of the main event of 45th Place a character we will most definitely miss I got to say no one have to help the player that b you masado is with Cara Scott right now day seven of the biggest World Series of Poker main event in history and we are losing you but can you explain the emotion of this this whole ride that you’ve been on the last s days okay um you know I’ve been playing so fun like it was exciting and and you know I’m always shaking when I play the big hand and this is like fast time experience for me so it was you know overall so much fun but right now I’m going to cry it’s been a pleasure watching you thank you so much for talking to us uh 18 behind yeah pay open raised with Kings now Aguilera on the button with queens and he’s going to three bet he makes it 4.5 million and now weinan with Jacks kings queens and Jacks I don’t much like pocket Jacks when it’s been three bet in front of me one of those hands might have you beat at best it’s a race against somebody and the even lesser handry poops it he’s all in really back to the Kings shortest stack of these three 22 bigs behind I guess he could have run into Aces but I can’t see him tossing Kings into the mck weinan turning the screws though on his Atlanta Poker buddy I call yeah Josh Payne is all in so back now to agiler the biggest stack of these involved well my Queens are in the muck already if I’m him there’s 15 left in the main event this puts three qu of your stack into the middle agir a three bet then he saw a four bet Allin and an Allin call I mean somebody’s got to have Aces or Kings no I me I guess it could be pocket Jackson Ace King out there 19.6 and with the Queens makes the call oh my goodness you said call yes pain sitting pretty look let’s go Jack first queen First Kings Queen covers C the got it goodera the big but surprised by the Jacks all in shocked by the Queens calling Lu hope you win hope I win hope I wi a real Main Event moment has everyone on their feet every brain cell trying to figure out the repercussions of what’s about to happen if a queen hits Agera could score a double knock out awes with the best of itow this is awesome Sagal sag the pregame show is done let’s do this thing Agera against the two Atlanta Poker Pals status quo aguera Will Survive but with how much weinan on The Chopping Block the kings are looking good paying Poise to Triple up to 60 million turn [Applause] C oh my God py seeing his man at hopes melt away that could be the turn of the century linan looks almost embarrassed down to two outs pay needs a king Agera needs a queen now the biggest river card of this Main [Applause] Event weinan wins it with a miracle Jack pain is gone Josh P suff Daniel weinman up to almost 80 million chips do I get 1% thank got it how much am I going to lose to you in short stacks immediately to his rightner with Ace Queen waited one year for this Main Event after being gifted the seat last July and it’s been worth the wait Daniel shying away from maseras almost all in RN friedrick trying to become a first to make the main event final table without playing a hand since day three so you got the big stack raising you got a short stack all in any other takers I don’t like the spot but you know Sarah figures he’s behind he raises the rest goes in it’s official this could be the moment Ace Queen Forin Ace 10 you rooting for me yeah no matter what it’s been a hell of a ride and a hell of a birthday gift how does merer do oh my God he such a is he disheartening flock for the 30-year-old hner on the big hook on the doorstep of the Final [Applause] Table turn card six of diamonds one chance left to save his man event One Time’s Got to have a queen the River card one time [Applause] turning the tables on M wow wow what a feeling looks like we got play The Unofficial Final Table still 10h handed an early position y Peter yakman in fifth place right now ace8 suited yakman trying to take down the title for his six-year-old son who keeps asking him when are you going to win a tournament daddy blinds are up that’s a raise to 2.5 million m continues to Tumble a bit while his countryman Jose Aguilera is down to seven bigs with Ace Jack suited miseris recently moved to Venezuela aguiler recently moved to Mexico putting the chips together time to go well not all of them 6.7 million Jose trying to play Phil H short stack small ball leaving himself two big blinds behind agir a big stack until his Queens met the weinan Jacks yakman now you keep you some chips interesting I not sure I have to figure out what it means what it means is if yakman is not folding and I assume he’s not folding he will just put Ager all in for his final 2 and2 million no just a call I can never figure out what anything means all right so Aguilera’s Ace Jack against the ace eight there a gut shot for yakman he’s going to put Jose all in Jose calls and here we go Agera at risk come on the 10th man got shot oh heart hearts give me a heart come on I want a [Applause] heart croud can sense it I think I’m the only person in here rooting for you to keep it [Applause] going seven eight is good oooo come on everybody else oo opo means eight in Spanish I actually rooting for him turn S straight no outro wait it’s not over with a river a ag can still chop the podt and stick around fin table oh can be a split oh my God I forgot there has a split no and om my I would have on then I thought I won already come on now it’s over Jose [Applause] Falls World Series of Poker main event final t [Applause] mcar with Norman Chad all competitors arrive with an Entourage but Adam Walt is also carrying the chip lead when they chant Adam Walton this is who they are chanting about Toby Lewis is perhaps the most well-known pro at the final table he’s had an eventful run known as the king of Melbourne for all his success at the aie millions now is a chance to become king of the world it’s a leaderboard full of interesting Dynamics and it’s brought to you by stormx the easiest way to earn trip Walton Steve Jones and Daniel wman up top all born in the USA Norman the last American to win the main event was Johnson 2018 fin collected from the 10,43 starting players it up to 3.2 million that’s a in Rays hner with Ace Jack and just a reminder hner called for his one time before that River Queen hit so he does not have it at his disposal at this final table wellner and miseris with 10 bigs stacking him up wait wa he left one behind he’s almost all in rusen Friedrich reminds me of the seat fillers they have at the Oscars someone gets up to go to the bathroom and he comes into the seat until they get back so yeah Steven has to put a few more chips in he does put holes all in he’s not all in feel free to F how much did you say didn’t you say 12 163 did you say 163 there we [Applause] go a jack getting Daniel hner has been here before he needs to catch again B turn out the window turn out the [Applause] window nothing to celebrate for Daniel yet still looking for an ace or a CH he [Applause] still good keeping hner on the [Applause] hook on trying to will an ace or a Jack from his rail the River card is a four Jones and his t hold off and knock off Daniel hner in ninth place first Main Event can’t do much better one massive chiper 17.5 behind him toal with [Music] AET has kept his Spirit as his stack has dwindled wton says no no thanks friedr folds his button Hutcherson small blind with the same hand as miseris but he folds now to Toby Lewis a bit of a prickly decision here for Toby indeed he’s got 15 bigs this is decision time for Toby this is a tweener Ace 10 off wipe of the brow and does make the call the sarus is behind but live yeah I think ace1 there the absolute bottom of Toby’s range to call Lewis with a good to hang on merer at risk Lewis trying to overcome a pretty weak rail over there Lewis With A Pair of Aces and miseris a huge underdog now to survive well miseris Smiles through the pain not sure where Lewis found this [Applause] rail leras needs to hit now the turn C is a blank that will officially end the impressive mate run for w m out in eighth place [Applause] is sharing his seat filler wages with Dean Hutchinson it would be the nice neighborly gesture both of those guys remain on the IR to Toby Lewis now big blind freshly W chips Toby has his CS in his left hand as if he’s going to muck but he has not mucked yet in oh contr sir 34.3 million all in that’s surprises me 22 bigs left I wouldn’t have thought King jack off suit would shove in this spot but if he can get it past Jones he’ll get this through and Jones withstand the squeeze with his tens consumate Pro putting pressure on the part-time player call call there is a call Walton quickly folds Toby L subbly at risk with two overcards light squeeze light squeeze light squeeze indeed from Toby Lewis t t yeah let’s see King Jack I mean what is that it’s a race for Toby Lewis’s Main Event life and he is [Applause] and Daniels couple of buddies sharing a laugh at it USA just no test at least give me like this way you know and King no Jack Lewis still in need yeah Toby still in search of a king or a Jack or Runner Runner Broadway soby took his shot and got caught and now needs help [Applause] another Ace and Toby has one last chance to keep his seat Toby Lewis remains matter of fact at the table his rail remains well rather MO is this the last we will see of Toby Lewis he has to have a king or a Jack the deuce ends it Toby Lewis out in seventh place the richly talented Tomy Lewis somewhat rful Steven Jones will now play chip leader with six remaining two bigs back big blind yakman see sevens this is bad bad news for hutchon and yakman is all in to get the last of Dean chips into the middle Hutchinson at risk with a lesser pair just two guys playing cker taking it all in stride yeah Hutcherson awaits his fate pretty [Applause] stoically trying to get us one closer to a champion nothing there for the Scott no back doors open for Dean Hutcherson he’s going to need a five they’re calling for a [Applause] five not a [Applause] five one last gasp for [Applause] Hutcherson the River card four of diamonds not going to do it Dean hson with a massive score in sixth place [Applause] meanwhile yakman playing Above the Rim tough yeah this would be for about almost 15% of Wyman’s stack three players behind him to act Wyman’s going to call at least yeah that’s just a call yman for who do you think we want to win nope and nope Wan and walson again rooting for The Knockout I just don’t think you should openly root against the USA us there is a $600,000 pay jump with an elimination it’s a tough environment if you’re fried foreign Sor you don’t speak the Lang everyone rooting against you except your small rail it feels like xenophobic collusion going on only foreigners are being knocked out the three Americans stay [Applause] healthy all right and behind Ace is up for Wan means a Broadway draw for pred no King we got to F the king J bad card ace [Applause] exactly I [Applause] wasted now needs a king or a queen that’s not a spade as weinan has the nut flush STW Freed’s rail taking it with class we have the Ace of Spades it’s a good [Music] card King of Spades Goose King of Spades yeah it really is [Applause] the River card is a blank and pedrick is out in fifth place Walton is scoped with the PED Dr what an amazing R to the final table for this man who will celebrate the moment for a long time to come great greatly played as the final Jack for suited got Jones playing big stack poker Walton on the button wow this might Slow Down Jones Aces just a call over to yakman now in the big blind king queen walon gets dirty sneaky yakman with a ray all in slam down here we [Applause] go Aces go go I wouldn’t minding Walton a little more gracious around the table but emotions run High particularly at the main event final table staring at his poker [Applause] mortality a long climb for yakman to get this one back a big fat nothing out there tried to contain his chure t g very little hope for the 2012 bracelet winner yakin’s going to need running cards play yeah he needs it now he needs it often yeah the six of spad not going to do it it’s over young Peter yakman out in fourth the 3 million bucks the crowning achievement of his poker career so far what a showing for the German marketing manager Adam wal and his pocket aces leave us three [Applause] handed expected chip swings we’re seeing it already windman up 22 million Jones down 34 million Walton down 12 million from just the start of our action here this is Jones fifth main event he usually busts on day one Jones with the one chip limb all right Walton will see a free qu looks like Walton and Jones again and this show’s got to get a little better to go on the road all clubs there Jones has the King of Clubs Walton collects bottom pair which is best 2.5 2 and a half million we’ve seen Jones stick around with worse King High flush draw certainly worth more chips in this spot all right 11 million in the middle another queen keeps wal ahead for the moment another check from Jones Walton one of the most casual looking Hannibal lecor type aggressors I have ever seen that’s 5 and half million now from Walton with the best of it for Jones you know a club probably would still be good also Jones could have some type of plan to steal this one away depending on what hits the river all right two chips is a call of 52 million River card oh wow another eight no Club needed for Jones what is that Walton is counterfeited what is that that’s a Preposterous River another check knowing Walton loves to move chips well he’s got it now you know he’s got queens and eight with no kicker he can’t win it unless he stabs at it 8 million is the stab Jones queens and Ace with a king kicker and even if he calls here I do not believe he should be awarded the pot they have to award him the pot and he does call and he will get the pot that’s what I figured yeah well if Walton and Jones were roommates Walton will be throwing Jones out at this point what a turn of events what a river of events for Steven Jones to pump his stack up a little bit Walton takes the [Music] hit Walton and Jones again and he just calls wian wow oh an interloper a hitchhiker who’s dangerous my mother always told me don’t pick up hitchhikers this is why with the a is a big three bet Walton es from weinan Allen gol boom boom I don’t know what he has oh have the one eight Aces [Applause] vers 567 all Club just all took my breath away L won had 80 plus bigs I Feel So Cal couple of back doors unlocked I’m not going anywhere I just back I don’t know if this is a punt but for a guy so skiled post flop why would he want to gamble in this spot Jones sweating the potential pay jump do something painful oh wal with a G shot I knew [Music] it I too am stunned six of diamonds Walton triples his outs he needs an eight or a six or we’re heads up for the main event title Jack and end it the river cards King it’s over good wow Adam Walton in close and out thir patiently looking to wear Jones Down Jack eight and a raise from Jones to 7 million weinan told poker reporter Tim fante he enjoys writing software right now more than playing poker he’s working on a poker startup says it’s a dream job all right here’s the Flop a jack for both which could spell some trouble for Jones weinan checked his stronger top pair you know I’m a fan of software too but if I win $12 million here I’m hanging up my software cleats 6 million from Jones with his weaker Jack lineman oh wow got some of those five Millie chips and that is a rare check raise from weinan a splash of cold water check Rays is Jones picking up what weinman is laying down looks like Jones is just going to wipe the liquid off his face and he will march on he does call for 122 million more turn card four clubs drains more Equity from Jones Lyman is going to march on with the best of it oh that’s a hefty wager 38 million Jones in awful shape here 7% Equity he’s got top pair but he got check raised on the Flop then weinan bet big on the turn all in oh my Jones willing to play for all of it he started the hand with nearly 70 bigs now what is weinan to think feels good to fade the snap though well that tells weinan Jones didn’t turn a straight there is a call one card to come one card to make Jones the chick leader one C from linan winning it all it’s all but over just got DOD got aot go No Way Daniel wman on the edge of a championship you’re okay you’re okay one clean River away from the [Applause] title St and now the biggest river card of each of these players [Applause] Valiant effort from Steven Jones you it we told you do [Applause] it Daniel weinman makes the most of his second chance to become the 2023 world champion [Music] dmop Main for [Music]

▶『DMM TV』で07/04からMAIN EVENT全日程配信決定!!【日本語実況】

07月04日(木)9:30〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day 1A (Part1/Part2)
07月05日(金)9:30〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day 1B (Part1/Part2)
07月06日(土)9:30〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day 1C (Part1/Part2)
07月07日(日)9:30〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day 1D (Part1/Part2)
07月08日(月)7:30〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day2A/B/C (Part1/Part2)
07月09日(火)7:30〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day2D (Part1/Part2)
07月10日(水)7:30〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day3 (Part1/Part2)
07月11日(木)5:00〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day4 (Part1/Part2)
07月12日(金)5:00〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day5 (Part1/Part2)
07月13日(土)5:00〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day6 (Part1/Part2)
07月14日(日)5:00〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day7 (Part1/Part2)
07月15日(月)5:00〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Day8 (Part1/Part2)
07月17日(水)7:00〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Final Table Day1
07月18日(木)7:00〜 WSOP 2024 Main Event Final Table Day2

DMM TVで他のポーカーコンテンツも楽しもう!(初回30日間無料))

『WATA BET ~それ、オレのだからね?〜』
「ポーカーって夢あるよね?」を検証する新番組「WATA BET 〜それ、オレのだからね?〜」。アンジャッシュ・渡部の100万円を握りしめて、3ヶ月に渡るポーカー旅がスタートします。

世界最大のポーカー大会WSOPの配信を含め、有名プロたちが出演する様々なポーカー番組を提供。ポーカー版のNetflixと呼ばれるポーカー専門のチャンネルを、DMM TVでお届け!

『Triton Poker』


「DMM TV」では他にも、アニメを主軸に、2.5次元舞台・ミュージカル、ドラマ、映画など幅広いジャンルのコンテンツが、月額550円(税込)の「DMMプレミアム」に加入することで、スマートフォン・PC・TVアプリなどからお楽しみいただけます。

#ポーカー #poker #WSOP


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