『バッドボーイズ RIDE OR DIE』インタビュー映像<ウィル&マーティン> 大ヒット上映中!


『バッドボーイズ RIDE OR DIE』インタビュー映像<ウィル&マーティン> 大ヒット上映中!

it starts with a great deal of respect and love for one another you know uh uh enjoying working together you know focusing on our craft and our art and uh to give the audience the best that we can give them yeah wanting each other to win that’s a really big important part of like a comedic Duo is you have to want each other to win and it’s like there’s a dance that starts to happen and you can feel when when people are connected or not you know and you know we we have so much uh desire for each other to shine and it’s just it it it’s beautiful for the camera the camera loves watching that what we were trying to do with with all of the movies is plant seeds you never know what the if you know you’ll even get a chance to make another one right but we wanted to plant seeds and I think bad boys ride or die picks up on all of the beautiful seeds we had some fruitful seeds that that grew out of that that film you know uh Jacob cpio you know Mike Lowry son Armando you know and you know Vanessa hudgin and and and Reggie and Alex yeah yeah so we we you know lot of really beautiful um payoffs and then for Mike and Marcus I think the advancing the relationship you know Mar Martin’s character has a uh a uh spiritual experience in in this film so our relationship gets Advanced through uh his his touching of the other side you know he he comes back with messages without giving it all I know yeah I’m trying not to give it away when you’re GNA do a sequel you’re always trying to look for the premise that makes it different than the other movies that gives it a reason to to live and part of the idea of the bad boys being the bad guys in this one the bad boys being on the Run was a part of the new energy of of the premise that we thought would would be fun to watch and uh uh Armando hot hot M hot hot M was a was a big part of that in Mike healing his relationship with a son he didn’t know he had the Dalai Lama said one time somebody asked him about Enlightenment and he said the closest thing that I can explain about what it is the the concept of of Nirvana and he said the closest thing we have on Earth is when people laugh together that’s the closest disc description when people get a joke at the same time and erupt together you know so I think that what this this film does and what Martin and I do as a a Duo is we get people to erupt together in you know almost the highest form of human interaction the absolute uh Blissful Joy of getting a joke together and I think there’s there’s there are very few medicines that reach the potency of laughter Jerry’s the best you know he’s calm y you know um uh he don’t raise his voice you know uh when when he speaks uh he says what he means and means what he says and uh he he uh you know how to get the job done without uh without all the craziness yeah yeah Jerry one of the big things in uh Bad Boys one how hard Jerry and his partner uh don Simpson how hard they fought to make sure that nobody thought of bad boys as a black movie right Bad Boys is a movie there there are black characters in Bad Boys but this is a movie for everybody and you know they just fought really hard to make sure that this movie was presented as a global film for everybody they have a really uh uh youthful perspective you know there was a lot of debate uh about that that firsters shooter and you know there was um we we saw younger viewers were loving the firstperson shooters and then like the you know over 30 they was like you that’s a little too new for our bad boys but you know we we we were trying to walk the line you know across th those demographics but I think that their flavor and their style and you know just the the color palette and the the the the feel of it I think is is brilliant and I think they were able to maintain the Nostalgia but they also kicked Bad Boys into the the the new era it is a way life for sure if he needs me I’m there for him yes sir and I feel the same about him absolutely ride or die baby

『バッドボーイズ RIDE OR DIE』6月21日(金) 大ヒット上映中!


本作の副題である「RIDE OR DIE」が意味するのは「一蓮托生、死ぬまで共に――」。過去シリーズでもピンチの時に何度も彼らが唱えた合言葉、「共に生き、共に死ぬ。一生悪友<バッドボーイズ>」(We ride together. We die together. Bad Boys for life.)がここに表現されている。年期が入った2人の掛け合いと、生きるか死ぬかの決死のアクションの中で、シリーズ史上最も強いふたりの“絆”が描かれる!

監督:アディル&ビラル(『バッドボーイズ フォーライフ』、ドラマシリーズ「ミズ・マーベル」)


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